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The Teaching and Learning Technology Programme

by admin published Mar 05, 2011 07:32 PM, last modified Mar 05, 2011 07:32 PM
The Teaching and Learning Technology Programme (TLTP) was jointly funded by the four higher education funding bodies, HEFCE, SHEFC, HEFCW and DENI, who allocated 22.5 million pounds over three years, starting in 1992-93, for the first phase of the programme and 11.25 million pounds for the second at a time when the sector was experiencing a period of rapid expansion. Added to the funding bodies' own commitment of 33 million pounds was the direct and indirect contributions made by institutions to the projectsthey hosted. The overall funding for TLTP was somewhere in the region of 75 million pounds.TLTP was launched with the aim of achieving productivity and efficiency gains whilst maintaining and improving quality in the provision of teaching and learning. Challenges had arisen in the form of increasing pressure on resource and the demand for high quality teaching and learning from what was fast becoming a large and extremely diverse student population.
When Jan 09, 1992
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