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Labour government increase priority for educational ICT
by admin published Mar 05, 2011
New Labour Government increases priority level for educational ICT. An example of this is the Lecture by the Rt Hon Tony Blair, Leader of the Labour Party to the Barber Institute of Fine Arts, University of Birmingham on 14th April 1997. The Lecture 21 steps to 21st Century Education outlined the need to raise standards, rather than tinkering with structures, and to build on what is good and tackle what is wrong - by establishing a new culture of learning
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GTCE - Teaching: High Status, High Standards
by admin published Mar 05, 2011
Teaching: High Status, High Standards : General Teaching Council (GTC) - a consultation document, published July 1997 by Department for Education and Employment with foreword by Stephen Byers, Minister for School Standards. Outlined governments plans to set up the GTC to provide a professional voice for the teaching profession.'
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New Deal for Schools
by admin published Mar 05, 2011
Blunkett announces (302/97) details of the LEAs which will share £115m to repair, replace or renovate over 2,000 schools (£115m made up of £83m New Deal for Schools in England and £32m partnership funding from other sources. This is Phase 1 of a £2billion programme of capital investment announced by the Chancellor in his Budget statement on 2nd July 1997
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New Opportunities Fund
by admin published Mar 05, 2011
The People's Lottery Whitepaper (Cm3709) published by Dept for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) 21st July 1997, outlined the creation of a New Opportunities Fund to improve Health - network of healthy living centres, Education - ICT training and support for 500,000 teachers and 10,000 public library staff plus establishment of out of school hours activities and eventually the Environment. Included the establishment of NESTA (National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts) - later to become FutureLab
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ICT skills the Fourth 'R'
by admin published Mar 05, 2011
Baroness Blackstone, Education and Employment Minister, in her speech to Commonwealth Education Ministers in Gaborone, Botswana on 29th July 1997 stated that the development of children's ICT skills were the –Fourth R, a basic skill as important as literacy and numeracy At school level initiatives such as NGfL and for the general populace the improvement of ICT skills was covered by the University for Industry
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Multimedia computers for teachers
by admin published Mar 05, 2011
David Blunkett, Secretary of State for Education and Employment announced £23m funding for multimedia computers for teachers. Becta was given responsibility for managing the initiative
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Summer Numeracy Schools
by admin published Mar 05, 2011
Stephen Byers, School Standards Minister announced on 6th June £500K to establish 51 pilot Summer Numeracy Schools in England (doc 293/98)
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University for Industry
by admin published Mar 05, 2011
David Blunkett, Secretary of State for Education and Employment Launches University for Industry - engaging people in learning for life ISBN 0855227478. The organisation was set-up to stimulate a demand for Lifelong Learning and to promote and provide access to high quality innovative learning (particularly through the use of ICT. The organisation established the brand LearnDirect a nationally recognised gateway to learning including ICT skills courses. Investment of £44m including £26m to establish LearnDirect Centres.
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DfES - The Learning Age - a Renaissance for a New Britain
by admin published Mar 05, 2011
DfEE publishes Green Paper consultation : The Learning Age - a renaissance for a new Britain presented to Parliament (Cm 3790) February 1998. The concept of individual learning accounts for the general public and the University for Industry (UfI) are covered. The vision was for a well-educated, well-equipped and adaptable labour force, to help secure UK's economic future
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Our Information Age
by admin published Mar 05, 2011
Our Information Age - the government's vision published by Central Office of Information (COI) in April 1998. Referred to in Hansard May 1998 in reply to question on electronic commerce. This document included mention of People's Network (Libraries) and other ICT initiatives especially those relating to telecommunications and electronic networks
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