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   PLEASE NOTE: This website was valid from August 2005 until December 2006, and is no longer current.

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by Richard Millwood last modified Thursday Oct 6, 2005 22:31

Ultralab is a research centre of Anglia Ruskin University, and as such our financial aim is to break even or make a surplus which is ploughed back to enhance our research capacity. Our concern is to sustain our capability to improve learning with technology.

Although working within the university has drawbacks in paying for indirect costs, the possibility to learn from colleagues in the university and to plough back our findings to develop the university make this an intellectually and practically supportive environment.

In working with partners we are rarely able to invest in or subsidise activities, but we try to share our successes and failures with others endeavouring to develop learning and technology from all sectors by sharing our findings.

Our attitude to the kinds of people who may benefit from our work is to respect their interests, invite them to co-design developments and co-research when evaluating their benefits.

This has lead to a policy of taking part in and leading open source development and looking to publish research outcomes with public licensing.

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