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Simon Patton's Profile

Simon Patton's Profile Description

Most embarrassing moment at ULTRALAB:

I am not sure I  had any embarrassing moments in the lab, others may say different! I think this is because I have found the lab to be a welcoming place that tolerates the individual eccentricities of which there are lots to enjoy.

Why do you work there?

I don't work there anymore, I left Ultralab as the Talking Heads project graduated out to NCSL, but when I did work there I was a remote worker living in Devon. Why did I work for the lab? Well for me it is was being surrounded by creative people who care passionately about what they do.

Tell us about your home life:

As I type this I am sitting at my desk looking out forty miles to Dartmoor across the beauty of the Devon Landscape. I am based here with my younger son Jo and in the vacations by older son Liam who is at University in Coventry. The key asset of where I live, other than the great set of friends I have, is the Aga cooker that brings core warmth to the house and especially the social hub the kitchen.

Favorite book:

: Oh boy where do you start? As a youngster all the Arthur Ransom books which helped me to learn to read. Gormangast by Mervyn Peek and in recent years Feel the Fear but do it Anyway but Susan Jeffers.

Favorite film:

Now this is an unfair challenge! The ones on my list are the ones which changed my perception on life: Mary Poppins, Solider Blue, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Easy Rider, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and my all time favourite Being There with Peter Sellers as Chancy Gardener.

Favorite web link:
Other than goggle my favourite gateway to the virtual world currently this one: Why because this performance group combine the medias to transport you into a universe that stretches the mind?s perception of reality. This is a bit of a posh way of saying they are wacky. 

About me...........

Me well I grew up in Oxfordshire and the Isle of Wight and consider myself Welsh because of my parents origins. Am an aging hippie having attended the pop festivals of the late 1960?s on the Island. Trained as a teacher at Rolle College in Exmouth part of Exeter University at the time. Went off to join a theatre in education group for a year in Mansfield in Nottingham. Started teaching in Devon and progressed to being a head teacher. Was seconded to work with HMI and became an independent educational advisor, inspector and consultant. This led me to be President of the professional association and union that looks after all those working as ?School Improvement Professionals? (NAEIAC). Then I joined the team working on the Tesco millennium project as an advisory teacher and project manager associated with HTI and Intuitive Media. The end result was School net: which was showcased in the Millennium Dome. Joining that team introduced me to an organisation called ULTRALAB and as the end of the century approached the DfES (bless their little cotton socks) decided they needed a team to create the NCSL online communities and here I am. I am also passionate about the role parents play in education and am a director of PTA@PTD: / Besides all that I indulge myself in music, gym, theatre, travel and friendship as often as I can. If I can support you in any way or you just fancy a chat drop me a line.

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